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Learning How To Catch Bass -The Difference Between Smallmouth And Largemouth Bass

Learning How To Catch Bass -The Difference Between Smallmouth And Largemouth Bass

Bass of many types can be found all throughout North America. Calico Bass can be found in the Great Lakes and Florida, Largemouth Bass are located in the central United States along with Smallmouth Bass. Lets focus on the latter two in looking at some fundamental differences.

The Smallmouth bass, or White bass, love rocky lakes and streams. During their spawning season, which starts in the month of June, is one of the best times to catch these fighters. Smallmouth bass have certain types of food they love but one of their favorites is crawdads which hide in the rocky areas the smallmouth bass spawns in. If you like to use natural baits crawdads, minnows, hellgrammites, and dragonfly larvae are great to use. If you are using artificial bait try top water lures and jigs that are light in color.

Largemouth bass, or Black bass, can be caught almost year round except in the coldest of months. The largemouth can be fund just about anywhere from lakes to rivers, creeks and ponds. As far as bait it all depends on the area, season, and time of day. Largemouth bass feed on a huge variety of bait but seem to prefer the early mornings and later in the evening for their prime feeding times. Live bait they like includes minnows or small shad, earthworms, crickets, and even small frogs and newts.

Artificial baits for largemouth bass is as varied as the natural baits, Top water lures, spinner baits, plastic worms, and crank bait all have their times and places to be used. The secret to catching the big bass is knowing the secrets of when and where to use what bait and choosing the right location.