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Psychological Safety at Work Training Course Materials to download

Psychological Safety at Work Training Course Materials to download

Page Updated on July 27, 2022

Our psychological safety at work training course materials are for corporate trainers to run workshops for leaders on creating an environment in which staff feel safe to speak up.

Psychological Safety at Work Training Course Materials to download

Psychological safety in the workplace is a relatively new concept in business leadership. It includes trust and mutual respect but it goes beyond these concepts. Having a psychologically safe environment at work means that employees feel able to voice their opinions without fear of being penalized for it.

This training package is:

Psychological safety PPT Powerpoint slides

Samples from the Training Package

Click on the slides below to magnify

What Is Psychological Safety at Work and Why Is It Important?

Psychological safety in the workplace refers to a team climate in which staff feels comfortable to express their opinions, admit mistakes, give and receive feedback, suggest improvements, and point out problems without fear of embarrassment, punishment or rejection by the rest of the team.

In a psychologically safe team, all members have equal rights to express themselves, regardless of their position, job title or rank.

Professor Amy Edmondson (currently Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School) coined the expression psychological safety in the 1990s, as a result of her research on whether high-performing medical teams made more or fewer mistakes than low-performing teams.

It surprisingly turned out that high-performing teams made more mistakes, which was puzzling. So, upon further investigation, Amy Edmondson realized that high-performing teams did not make more mistakes but reported more. That meant that they were more open and felt able to speak about mistakes without fear.

Since that project, Prof Edmondson carried out many more research projects in different companies with consistent results and she developed the concept of psychological research.

Later, in 2012, Google carried out a research project called Aristotle to find out why some workplace teams performed better than others.

The final result was that psychological safety was not only the most important factor that led to a team’s success but it also underpinned all other factors, such as dependability, structure, meaning and impact.

So, why should you train your staff on creating psychological safety at work?

Because psychological safety has been found to greatly increase staff’s:

  • Motivation
  • Commitment
  • Morale
  • Creativity
  • Problem solving ability
  • Engagement
  • Productivity

In particular, psychological safety encourages a team to develop a learning culture in the workplace. This means that staff are encouraged to learn and develop and see errors, problems and constructive feedback as learning opportunities rather than as setbacks.

This learning culture is particularly important in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous socio-economic reality such as the one that we face today. This is because this mindset helps a company be more adaptable, flexible and innovative.

Our psychological safety at work training course materials package are aimed at helping your staff develop a psychologically safe climate.

Psychological safety is based on the social dynamic of a team, rather than simply at individuals. This is why the role of the leader is key. A leader needs to drive psychological safety at work but, if they cannot do that, it is unlikely that team members will develop it on their own.

This is why our course materials are aimed at training managers and leaders in psychological safety, as they are the ones who need to drive it in an organization.

Who Are the Training Course Materials for?

This training package is for corporate trainers to deliver lessons and workshops on psychological safety.

In particular, you will help your participants understand the importance of psychological safety and find ways to develop it in their teams.

Individuals who would benefit from this course include:

  • Team leaders, who need to lead by example and inspire psychological safety in their teams.
  • HR departments that have been put in charge of a strategy to increase staff’s commitment, engagement and drive to innovate.
  • Small company owners who manage a small team as part of their business.
  • Anyone who is in charge of managing a team or a company.

What Are the Benefits for a Trainer of Teaching Psychological Safety Workshops?

If you are a freelance trainer, it is useful to teach psychological safety as this is an innovative and important concept for companies today, particularly companies that face a high level of complexity and need to innovate.

Psychological safety is a new topic, yet it affects issues that are always relevant in the workplace such as trust, motivation, engagement, and conflict.

In addition, you can teach psychological safety as part of equality and diversity training as it is about making everyone in the team feel included and that their opinions are equally appreciated.

Why Buy Off-the-shelf Customizable Training Materials?

Whether you are running your training online or in person, there are several benefits of buying ready-to-use corporate training materials.

  • You save a lot of time. We have already done the research, created a lesson plan with the activities, and designed the materials (such as PowerPoint slides and handouts).
  • You can edit the materials as you like to adapt them to your audience and add your logo.
  • The materials are yours to keep and use for your own courses as you wish.
  • The training materials are available for you to download instantly as soon as you buy them.
  • Our training materials can be adapted for teaching as an online course if needed, using platforms such as Adobe Connect or Zoom.


This training package provides enough materials to teach a half a day (about 3 hours) workshop.

If you want to teach for a whole day, you can complement it with other short courses.

For example, a perfect companion for this course is our ‘Active Listening‘ training course materials. This is because active listening is one of the most important things a leader can do to encourage their team members to speak up.

You can find other short courses that can accompany this one in our leadership, equality and diversity and wellness categories.


Open level.

These materials are suitable for those who are new to the idea of psychological safety, as well as for those who would like to refresh their knowledge.

Course Materials Aim and Objectives

The aim of this training package is to help leaders and managers understand the importance of psychological safety and support it in their teams.

At the end of the course, your participants should be able to:

✔ Identify what psychological safety is and why it’s important.

✔ Pinpoint the things that undermine psychological safety.

✔ Analyze the factors that drive psychological safety.

✔ Start to develop a strategy to support psychological safety in your team.

Delivery Method

These corporate training course materials in psychological safety are designed for a trainer to teach a class of participants.

You can use the materials to teach either in person or online and we provide suggestions on how activities can be adapted for an online environment.

Even though we have designed the materials to be trainer-led, they include many opportunities for participants to actively engage. For example, there are activities, discussions and question and answer sessions to engage participants throughout the course.

Topics That Will Be Covered to Include:

What psychological safety is and why it is important

  • Defining psychological safety
  • The difference between psychological safety and other related concepts such as trust
  • The relation between psychological safety and performance standards
  • Examples of learning behaviour
  • Types of failure
  • Benefits of psychological safety

How to improve psychological safety in a team

  • Things that undermine psychological safety
  • Things that encourage it
  • Strategies that leaders can adopt to drive psychological safety in their team
  • Psychological safety action plan

With this Course, Instantly Download:

✔  33 PowerPoint  slide deck (includes tutor notes on each slide)

✔  36 page Trainers Notes

✔  Course documents (including sign-in sheet, course evaluation sheet and pre-course guide)

✔ Participants’ workbook, which includes spaces for notes and a list of further readings.

✔  Course certificate (printable to hand to participants)

✔ A PDF guide with suggestions on how to adapt the activities for teaching the course online, if you ever need to.

✔ Handouts for activities (including a psychological safety action plan template)

Documents delivered using MS Word, PDF (in case you do not have MS Word) and PowerPoint.

American & British English Compatible

Suitable for both American English & British English styles.

  • We have avoided any words that can cause confusion between American and British English styles such as soccer/football.
  • We have used terms that are common in both and we have used the American style for a few words where a ‘z’ rather than ‘s’ is used i.e. materialize.


GBP £99 (approx. USD$125) to instantly download the full psychological safety at work training course materials package.

Buy This Course

  • To purchase click the “Buy Now” button below.
  • You can choose to pay via PayPal or by Credit card.
  • Once you have paid, you will immediately receive a digital link to download the zip file straight away.

Buy Now

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Valeria has been involved with education for over 16 years. She has taught in the UK at the University of Bath and Cardiff Metropolitan University (where she got her PhD), in addition to working as a researcher at Exeter University. Valeria additionally has several years of experience of also working with Ofsted and Cardiff University in management roles & is she is the founder of Symonds Training.

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