
Prepper Stories

Driving Education Greatness

Educational Loans Intended For Students to Realize Dreams of Higher Education

Educational Loans Intended For Students to Realize Dreams of Higher Education

In India there is famous slogan ‘Education for all’ but how to achieve this. In India where the number of people living in rural areas is more than the urban and are poor thus on the first place it is difficult for them to think about going to school and somehow they manage to take up education up to the secondary level, it is impossible for them to take up higher education.

The basic reason behind this is lack of money. The fees associated with the professional courses are so high and other expenses related to these courses also cost more therefore it makes difficult for a poor and middle class students to pursue for these courses. In current scenario it has become difficult to live a smooth life with limited income and cost of education is also high.

Every parent wants to give best education to his/her child so that they can fulfill their dreams and live prosperous life. To overcome this problem in India banks offer education loan for students. Earlier education loan was given for pursuing professional courses but now the policy has been changed. The loan can be taken for the primary level education also especially given for girl child for the development of the girls.

Education loan covers the complete expenditure of a course such as tuition fees, cost of study material, hostel fees, for buying equipments related to the course, etc. This personal loan has proved to be a great help for the aspiring students who have the aptitude but due to lack of money cannot think of taking up higher studies. Therefore this personal loan has to much extent has helped to come over the financial problem of many students and move further to achieve their goals.

Banks give education loan for pursuing higher education and professional courses within India and abroad. The terms and conditions, loan amount and the tenure vary in both the cases. Students who have secured admission in the colleges and professional institutes are eligible to take loan. Banks charge different interest rates for different loan amount.

The repayment of the loan commences one year after completion of course or 6 months after securing job, whichever is earlier. Earlier the students who took loan for professional courses in which high cost is involved, bank used to take collateral from the students but now government has removed the collateral security on the 4lac amount. Loan above the 4lac amount will carry collateral condition. However the repayment tenure for students taking higher education within India and abroad is different. Generally this loan comes with an option of equal monthly installments.

Moreover there is personal loan which parents can take for the higher education of their children. The interest rate on this loan is more or so similar with flexible terms and conditions.